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material advanatages

The D'HONE-SPEZIAL anchor with high holding power is a welded construction made of hot rolled steel plates. In addition to the manufacturing process and design advantages, the quality of the anchor differs in the material used.


Asian anchor manufacturers produce ship anchors from cast steel. If one compares the production of cast steel anchors with the production of anchors made of hot rolled steel plates, serious differences become apparent with regard to the


  • strength of the materials and the

  • impact strength values.

  • notched impact strength is a measure of a material's resistance to impact (dynamic) stress.


While the notched impact values for cast steel under room temperature conditions as the test temperature are only about 50 Joules on average, the values for the steel plates we use and a test temperature of -20° C have an average value of 150 Joules and higher.

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